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Stress not! Exam results are not the end of the world

  • 3 July 2024

Feeling apprehensive, worried or anxious about important news is normal.

For students, their exam results will influence what they do next – the course, college, university, or job they take – and it’s understandable that most will feel some level of nerves.

To manage this kind of stress around results, let’s try to understand what might be causing it and think about strategies that will help.

What’s after the results you hoped for?

Getting the results you hoped for can also be stressful as it leads to change – a new school year, college/university, or job. Planning for the next step can help reduce stress. If you are planning to go to university, find out details about the courses, locations and amenities, or the different clubs and societies you can join.

What if you don’t achieve the results you hoped for?

It is important to realise that disappointments are not ‘the end of the world’. If you don’t get the grades you hoped for, you may feel upset or embarrassed, and that’s completely okay. Most people at one time or another do not get the results they hope for, but still go on to have a successful life. Move forward confidently and you will be better motivated to put your plan into action if that occurs.

Once you’ve made your plans for different outcomes, ‘file’ them away in your mind and get busy with other things. Engaging yourself, going out with friends or doing chores that need attention can help take your mind off the uncertain future.

And remember to plan for the way you would prefer to do it, rather than feeling you must do it in the way other people think you should.

Image by teksomolika on Freepik