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Practicing Sustainability Every Day in School

  • 23 August 2024

Embedding Green Practices into Daily Routines for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Brundtland Report, 1987 defines sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Sustainability is frequently spoken in the context of “environmentally friendly,” but that is just one aspect of it. Sustainability is built on three pillars – society, environment and economy. To be truly sustainable, there be value for money on a whole life basis, generating benefits not only to an entity, but also to society and the economy, while minimising damage to the environment. For example, even if something is considered good for the environment, if it’s economically inefficient (if it costs too much money or needs replacing every year) or isn’t ethical (if its factories have poor labour conditions, perhaps) then it isn’t a sustainable option.

Sustainable Practices in Oakridge International School

Parents visiting Oakridge campus often praise the green open spaces of learning to the traditional block buildings they have seen elsewhere. The school has a range of plants that provide nectar in all the seasons. Gardeners are knowledgeable about the flowering season and do the pruning accordingly. Student leaders in PYP ensure that no food wastage happens during lunch hour by monitoring and sensitizing their peers. Staff and parents are encouraged to switch to a renewable energy supplier like EVs to limit our impact on the planet. By letting our students lead environmental projects and including them in decisions about how the school is run, Oakridge International School Bengaluru empower and motivate students to drive change and improve environmental awareness for everyone in your school, local community and beyond.