light bulb doodle drawing paper 53876 93993
  • 8 August 2024

Creative Writing in IB: It’s not what you know!

Creative Writing in IB: It’s About How You Express It! “Sometimes giving voice to others can be the most effective...

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oakridge international school bengaluru
  • 11 July 2024

Importance of IB Training Workshop for Educators

The Importance of IB Training Workshops for Educators: Enhancing Teaching Excellence Vacation at Oakridge International School Bengaluru is always about...

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Untitled design 30
  • 20 June 2024

What to Say (and Not Say) When Exam Results Roll In by Jenny Anderson

"The Right Words Matter: A Guide by Jenny Anderson on Responding to Exam Results"Exam season can be a lot to...

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Bengaluru Early Years
  • 5 February 2024

I can say: Communication Skills in IB Early Years Programme

Imagine the 3 scenarios:Child 1: May I Share this toy?Child 2: Yes, take it.Child 1: I want clay.Teacher: Here, use...

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PYP Student Led Conference
  • 22 December 2023

What is a student led conference?

What is SLC in International Baccalaureate? SLC stands for Student Led Conference. 2. Why do Oakridge have SLCs? SLCs provide...

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handling exam stress 1
  • 18 December 2023

Navigating Exam Fear: A Comprehensive Approach to Academic Well-being

Conquering Exam Fear: Holistic Strategies for Academic Success and Emotional Well-being In the realm of education, the omnipresent challenge of...

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