Reflections and Key Takeaways from a Pioneering Educational Summit In the realm of academic and innovative excellence, the Houston NAE...
Turning Vision into Reality: A Student's Experience at the NAE-UNICEF SummitThe NAE UNICEF Summit brought together student delegates from Nord...
Imagine trading textbooks for thrilling theme park rides and historical landmarks for interactive learning experiences. That's exactly what happened this...
Embracing the Torchbearers: Honoring Leadership at Our Investiture Ceremony“Leadership is not a title, it is a role that demands active...
CBSE Grade 10 and 12 Results 2023: Celebrating Academic Triumphs At Oakridge International School, Mohali we believe in providing a...
Metamorphosis: March Edition of The Oak TimesThe Oak Times, our school newspaper, is releasing its third issue with the theme...