The inaugural Oakpreneur '23 Commerce Fest at Oakridge, Bachupally, was an impressive showcase of the student's understanding of commerce and...
"Empowering Voices: The Launch of the Student-Led Journalism Club"Here is The Oak Times' ! The journalism club was established in...
"Unleashing Potential: How Performing Arts Shape Personal Development in Children" Every teacher yearns to explore the student's unique bent because...
"Broadening Horizons: The Transformative Power of Multidisciplinary Learning" “In the longer run and for wide-reaching issues, more creative solutions tend...
Supporting children’s learning beyond the pandemic The pandemic has hampered learning for all students. Educators and parents have first-hand experienced...
Investiture Ceremony 2022: Celebrating Leadership at Oakridge International School Mohali “Leadership is not a title, it is a role that...