From Goals to Habits: Transforming Aspirations into Action for Our Little AchieversAs the nurturing guardians of these budding talents, we...
Parenting Through Different Stages: Mastering the Art of Adapting from Toddlerhood to AdolescenceIn this blog, we will be diving into...
Student Empowerment and Ownership: Fostering Responsibility and Leadership in the Classroom We are living in 21st century and I believe...
Unlocking Unlimited Potential: How Summer Camp Inspires Creative ExplorationOakridge International School, Mohali- where education goes beyond the classroom walls! We...
Embracing the Torchbearers: Honoring Leadership at Our Investiture Ceremony“Leadership is not a title, it is a role that demands active...
CBSE Grade 10 and 12 Results 2023: Celebrating Academic Triumphs At Oakridge International School, Mohali we believe in providing a...