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Nord Anglia’s New EdTech Analysis

  • 12 May 2022

Nord Anglia’s New EdTech Analysis: Empowering the Future of Education

1.2 million online student sessions. 239 activities for students. 23.3% increase in teachers taking courses.

Nord Anglia Education released its latest EdTech analysis showing how its 70,000 students have used online learning to further develop their wellbeing and global citizenship interests, STEM-related skills, and creativity. Its analysis also looks at how teachers are using digital learning to support their professional development.

The analysis of Global Campus — Nord Anglia’s leading online learning platform — shows that students accessed over 1.2 million online learning sessions, across 239 co-curricular activities between December 2021 and March 2022.

With 77 schools in Europe, North America, Latin America, China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and India, Nord Anglia’s EdTech analysis shows:

  • 48.9% of students opted for wellbeing and global citizenship activities, which were especially popular in China (50.1%) and India (50.4%). Globally, these courses grew in popularity by 9.5% compared to the same period last year.
  • 23.3% of students chose courses on developing creativity, with students in Europe (32.5%) and Southeast Asia & the Middle East (31.9%) engaging most frequently in these activities.
  • 19.8% of students selected Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM) courses. STEM activities were the most popular with students studying in the Americas, selected by 26.8% of students.

Dr Elise Ecoff, Group Education Director, Nord Anglia Education, said: “What our latest EdTech analysis shows is the extent to which digital teaching and learning has become ‘learning as usual’. From our conversations with students, digital learning is just part of their education now that the majority of schools have returned to on-campus lessons. We’re using the experiences of our teachers to continually develop exciting new learning content for our students for the classroom and at home.”

To know more, read in the Nord Anglia’s website here.

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