"Innovative Approaches to Enrich Young Minds Through Diverse Learning Experiences" Experiential education teaches students to examine their actions and their...
Stories, Individuals, and Society: The Role of Literature in Cultivating Emotional EmpathyWe live around the world of stories, we are...
Selecting the Right Subjects for the IB Diploma Programme: A Guide for Students and Parents Here are some guidelines that...
What is Mindfulness?Mindfulness, the psychological state of awareness, has beneficial effects on emotional well-being, mental health, physical health, and learning...
Integrating Mathematics into Your Child’s Daily Life Activities “Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics....
6 Creative Ways to Incorporate Storytelling into a Child’s Learning Recently, during the International Library month we had some eminent...
Our Students Connect with TIME's 'Kid of the Year' Recently, students met a 16-year-old inventor Gitanjali Rao in a Global...
Empathy Meets Creativity: Empowering Students to Solve Societal ChallengesAs we slowly emerge from the dark clouds of the pandemic, finally...
13th Annual Day Celebrations at Oakridge International School: A Call to Protect and Preserve Mother NatureIt's our responsibility to respect and...
Embracing Flaws: Perfect Imperfections | TEDxOakridgeIntlSchoolBachupallyStudents from Oakridge International School Bachupally organized TEDxOakridgeIntlSchoolBachupally, an independently organised TED event recently. This...
No.1 International Day School in Mohali and Punjab for the 6th Consecutive Year! Oakridge International School, Mohali has been Ranked No.1 International...
2021 Social Impact Report: Highlights from 'Share A Dream' Initiative In 2021, Nord Anglia Education students and colleagues volunteered more...