SAT Exam Schedule Update: Key Dates and ChangesDate: 28th August 2021Time: 7 AMImportant Instructions –Students need to submit their RTPCR...
"Celebrating Excellence: Record-Breaking Performance by Our Grade 10 Students in CBSE Exams" We are pleased and proud to share the...
Oakridge Students Commemorate World Elephant Day! We all love Elephants - the biggest mammals on the Earth. To celebrate their...
Outstanding CBSE Results 2021: Grade 10 and 12 Outstanding CBSE 2021 results in Grade 10 and 12 for Oakridge International...
National Winners of the ‘Oxford Big Read Global’ Competition 2020-21 It is a great honour for Oakridge International School, Mohali...
MYP Students at Oakridge International School receive their outstanding E-Assessment resultThe International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) results are...